Canvas @ Brown

How Do I Create a Custom Link in the Course Navigation Menu?

Updated on

Using the Redirect Tool, you can create a custom link in your Canvas course site's navigation menu.  This article will cover the following:

If you are linking to a specific section of your Canvas course site, you must enter the full URL of that page.  Keep in mind that if you copy your content to another Canvas site, this link will still point to the old Canvas site - so you will need to update Canvas links every time you copy to a new Canvas course site.

Creating a new Redirect Tool link

  1. Go to your Canvas course site.
  2. Click on the Settings button [1] in your course navigation menu.
  3. On the Course Settings page, click on the Apps tab [2] at the top of the page.
  4. In the search bar [3], type in "Redirect".
  5. When the results appear, click on the Redirect tool (large blue arrow, see image below) [4].
  1. You will now see some information about the Redirect Tool.  Click the Add App button [5].
  1. In the pop-up, enter in the information:

    Name [6]:  The words that will appear in the navigation menu for users to click.
    URL Redirect [7]: The URL that should open when users click on the item.
    Show in Course Navigation [8]:  Select this item to ensure that it will appear in your course navigation menu.

    OPTIONAL/RECOMMENDED:  Force open in new tab (For External Links Only) [9]:  Select this item to have the link open in a new tab in the user's browser.  It is recommended that you select this option if your link goes to a site outside of Canvas to ensure the best user experience.
  2. After you have entered all the information, click the Add App button [10].
  1. Refresh your browser and your new link should appear in your course navigation menu.
  2. If you want to reorder your link to appear elsewhere in the list, refer to our help article on How Do I Use Canvas Course Navigation? to show/hide and reorder items in your course navigation menu.

The instructions below are for editing an existing Redirect Tool link.  Instructors are welcome to hide/delete old links and create new ones if desired.  These steps will describe how to edit.

  1. Go to your course in Canvas.
  2. Click on the Settings button [1] in your course navigation menu.
  3. On the Course Settings page, click on the Navigation tab [2] at the top of the page.
  4. Click the View App Configurations button [3].
  1. You will now see a list of tools available in your course.  Scroll down until you find your Redirect Tool item (should be listed under the name of the link in your course navigation menu) [4], then click on the settings button [5] for that item and select Edit [6].
  1. In the pop-up, find the Custom Fields area and look for the navigation menu item's url [7].  Update the URL (https://...) to point to the new link.  
    DO NOT DELETE ANYTHING ELSE FROM THAT SECTION.  The format of the URL should be:


    NOTE:  You can also modify the Name if needed, but no other information should be changed in this pop-up.
  2. When you have completed your updates, click the Submit button [8].
  1. Go to your course in Canvas.
  2. Click on the Settings button [1] in your course navigation menu.
  3. On the Course Settings page, click on the Navigation tab [2] at the top of the page.
  4. Click the View App Configurations button [3].
  1. You will now see a list of tools available in your course.  Scroll down until you find your Redirect Tool item (should be listed under the name of the link in your course navigation menu) [4], then click on the settings button [5] for that item and select Delete [6].
  1. In the pop-up, click the Delete button [7].
  1. Refresh your browser window and your menu item will be removed.

Need Additional Help?

  • For help with Canvas, please contact [email protected]
  • To discuss strategies for implementing Canvas and DLD approved integrated learning tools into your course, please contact [email protected]
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